Jack's Room - $0.10

Subway Station 2 - $1.09

Clea - $0.05

Liliana Profile Background - $0.07

Mai Profile Background - $0.05

Shina Profile Background - $0.34

AL Laffey BKG - $0.13

AL Purifier Observer BKG - $0.10

Latte - $0.31

Apollonius and Seguro - $0.05

Bernard and Sanguina - $0.05

Calypso - $0.06

Chou-Chou: Masochist - $0.25

Chou-Chou: Sadist - $1.84

Chou-Chou: Terse - $2.31

Ellie - $0.05

Ethel and Karin - $0.46

Fegor (Profile Background) - $0.16

Fang and Eryn (Profile Background) - $0.05

Galdo and Marissa - $0.05

Harley - $0.04

Harley and Bahus - $0.04

Levia (Profile Background) - $1.34

Lilia - $0.05

Marianna and Khalara - $0.14

Megadiemnsion Purple Heart - $0.05

Mattari - $0.05

Mocha - $0.06

Next Black - $0.04

Otton - $0.04

Plutia - $0.14

Pippin and Soji - $0.04

Ranju - $0.06

Ruche (Profile Background) - $0.80

Sherman and Ryushin - $0.05

Tiara and Cui - $0.12

Typica - $0.05